Khalid bin Mohsen Shaari

The Incredible Weight Loss Journey of Khalid bin Mohsen Shaari: From 610 kg to 63.5 kg

Khalid bin Mohsen Shaari

Khalid bin Mohsen Shaari, a young man from Saudi Arabia, was once known as the heaviest man alive, weighing an astonishing 610 kilograms. However, through an incredible transformation journey, he has shed an extraordinary 542 kilograms, thanks to the intervention of Saudi Arabia’s former King Abdullah. His story is one of resilience, determination, and the life-changing power of medical intervention.

Khalid bin Mohsen Shaari: A Critical Turning Point

In 2013, Khalid bin Mohsen Shaari’s health had deteriorated to such an extent that he had been bedridden for more than three years. Reports indicate that he was not only the heaviest person alive but also the second-heaviest person to have ever lived. His condition left him completely dependent on his family and friends for his basic needs as he struggled with mobility and severe health issues.

Recognizing the urgency of Khalid bin Mohsen Shaari’s situation, King Abdullah took notice of his plight and decided to offer him a comprehensive and costly plan to save his life. This life-saving intervention marked the beginning of Khalid’s incredible journey towards health and recovery.

The Weight Loss Plan

The king’s plan provided Khalid with access to top-tier medical care at no cost. To facilitate this, he was transported from his home in the city of Jazan to King Fahad Medical City in Riyadh using a forklift and a specially designed bed, highlighting the severity of his condition. Once at the hospital, a dedicated team of 30 medical professionals was assembled to oversee his treatment and recovery.

Under this expert care, a strict treatment regimen was developed, incorporating both surgical and therapeutic approaches tailored to Khalid’s needs. His treatment plan included a gastric bypass surgery, along with a customized diet and an exercise regimen designed to fit his unique circumstances.

A Remarkable Treatment Journey

The transformation was rapid; Khalid lost nearly half of his total body weight within just six months. This astonishing progress was a testament to the intensive care and dedication he received at the hospital. In addition to surgery, Khalid underwent rigorous physiotherapy sessions, which played a crucial role in helping him regain mobility that he had lost during his years of being bedridden.

By the end of his treatment journey, Khalid had successfully lost an incredible 542 kilograms. As of 2023, he weighed just 63.5 kilograms, marking a drastic and life-changing shift from his previous weight. However, his journey was not without its challenges; multiple surgeries were necessary to remove excess skin resulting from his significant weight loss.

The Smiling Man

Today, Khalid bin Mohsen Shaari is affectionately known as “The Smiling Man,” a name given to him by the medical staff who witnessed his remarkable transformation from 610 kilograms to 63.5 kilograms. His journey is not just about weight loss; it symbolizes hope and the potential for change, inspiring countless individuals facing similar struggles.

Khalid’s story highlights the importance of support, intervention, and the human spirit’s ability to overcome even the most daunting challenges. Through determination and the right medical care, he has transformed his life and serves as a beacon of inspiration for many around the world.


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