Flat White

Celebrating the Flat White: A Tribute to Espresso Excellence 2024

Flat White

In a delightful nod to coffee culture, Google Doodle recently honored the beloved flat white with a charming animated illustration. This celebration shines a spotlight on the flat white, an espresso-based beverage that holds a special place in the hearts of coffee enthusiasts around the world, particularly in Australia and New Zealand.

A Brief History

The origins of the flat white can be traced back to the vibrant coffee scenes of Australia and New Zealand. While its exact inception remains a subject of debate, the flat white is believed to have emerged in the 1980s as a response to the growing popularity of espresso-based drinks. Its name is thought to stem from the velvety microfoam that sits atop the smooth espresso, creating a “flat” surface.

Crafting the Perfect Flat White

Central to the allure of the flat white is its meticulous preparation, which combines the richness of espresso with the silky texture of steamed milk. The process begins with a double shot of espresso, extracted with precision to achieve a balanced flavor profile. Next, velvety steamed milk is carefully poured over the espresso, creating a delicate layer of microfoam that enhances the beverage’s texture and mouthfeel. The result is a harmonious marriage of bold espresso and creamy milk, with subtle nuances that tantalize the taste buds.

Savoring the Experience

The flat white experience extends beyond its exquisite flavor to encompass the cozy ambiance of coffee culture. Whether enjoyed in a bustling cafe or savored in the comfort of home, each sip of this espresso masterpiece offers a moment of respite in a busy world. Its smooth, velvety texture and rich, aromatic flavor make it a favorite choice for coffee aficionados seeking a refined and indulgent beverage.

Embracing Tradition and Innovation

While the flat white has deep roots in tradition, it continues to evolve with the ever-changing landscape of coffee culture. From artisanal cafes to trendy coffee bars, baristas are constantly experimenting with new techniques and flavor combinations to elevate the flat white to new heights. Whether adorned with intricate latte art or infused with innovative ingredients, the flat white remains a timeless classic that continues to captivate coffee lovers around the globe.

In Conclusion

As Google Doodle pays homage to the flat white, we are reminded of the enduring appeal of this espresso masterpiece. From its humble origins to its status as a beloved icon of coffee culture, the flat white embodies the artistry, craftsmanship, and passion that define the world of specialty coffee. So, the next time you find yourself craving a coffee experience that transcends the ordinary, indulge in the simple pleasure of a perfectly crafted flat white and savor every moment of its delightful journey from bean to cup.


  1. What is a flat white vs. a latte?
    • A flat white and a latte are both espresso-based coffee drinks made with steamed milk, but they differ in the milk-to-coffee ratio and texture. A flat white typically has a higher coffee-to-milk ratio and a velvety microfoam texture, while a latte has more milk and a creamier consistency.
  2. Is a flat white a cappuccino?
    • No, a flat white is not a cappuccino. While both drinks contain espresso and steamed milk, a cappuccino typically has equal parts of espresso, steamed milk, and milk foam, resulting in a layered texture with a thicker foam layer on top.
  3. What is in a flat white?
    • A flat white consists of a double shot of espresso topped with creamy, velvety steamed milk. The key characteristic of a flat white is its smooth and silky microfoam texture, achieved through expertly steaming the milk to a velvety consistency.
  4. What is the difference between a wet latté and a flat white?
    • The main difference between a wet latte and a flat white lies in the milk texture and consistency. A wet latte has more steamed milk and less foam, resulting in a creamier and smoother texture similar to a traditional latte. In contrast, a flat white features a thinner layer of velvety microfoam, giving it a smoother and silkier mouthfeel.
  5. Which is stronger, flat white or cappuccino?
    • In terms of coffee strength, a flat white is typically stronger than a cappuccino due to its higher coffee-to-milk ratio. However, the perceived strength can vary depending on individual preferences and the specific preparation method used by the barista.
  6. Which is stronger, flat white or latte?
    • Generally, a flat white is considered stronger than a latte because it contains a higher proportion of espresso to milk. The smooth and velvety texture of a flat white enhances the rich flavor of the espresso, resulting in a robust coffee experience.


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