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Delhi Air Pollution: Government Contemplates Odd-Even Scheme if AQI Hits ‘Severe Plus’, Affirms Environment Minister 2023

Image Credit: PTI


AQI: Following the decline in air quality in Delhi after Diwali, the government is considering the introduction of the odd-even vehicle rationing scheme. Environment Minister Gopal Rai has suggested that the scheme might be put into effect if the air quality index (AQI) reaches the “severe plus” category, reaching 450 or higher.

Current Air Quality Status (AQI)

Post-Diwali Situation

  1. Air Quality Degradation
    • The Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB) recorded the AQI at 382 at 9 a.m.
    • Transition from’very poor’ to alarming levels.

Proposed Measures

Odd-Even Scheme

  1. Contingent Plan
    • Rai’s announcement of considering odd-even if AQI enters ‘severe plus.’
    • The scheme’s past implementation as a measure to combat vehicular pollution

Immediate Actions

  1. Government Initiatives
    • Traffic Restrictions: The Odd-Even Scheme and its Potential Impact
    • Construction Ban: Prohibition of construction and demolition activities
    • Water Sprinkling: Deployment of over 100 tankers to reduce dust pollution.

Public Cooperation

  1. Government Appeal
    • Rai’s plea to the community encourages collaboration in endeavors to manage pollution.
    • Emphasis on collective responsibility.

Other Updates

Additional Measures

  1. Garbage and Leaf Burning Ban
    • The government’s ban on burning garbage and leaves
    • Mitigation of additional sources of air pollution.
  2. Industrial Scrutiny
    • The DPCC notices industries violating pollution control norms.
    • Setting up teams to inspect vehicles for emissions.

Long-Term Plans

  1. Government Strategy
    • Shift to cleaner fuels and promotion of public transportation.
    • Efforts to formulate a comprehensive, long-term plan to combat air pollution.


The rising concern over Delhi’s air quality post-Diwali prompts the government to explore effective measures, including the potential reintroduction of the odd-even scheme. With immediate actions and a focus on public cooperation, the government strives to address the urgent issue while simultaneously planning for sustainable, long-term solutions.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs):

  1. Q: What is the odd-even vehicle rationing scheme?
    • A: The odd-even scheme restricts vehicles with odd or even license plates on roads, aiming to reduce vehicular pollution.
  2. Q: How does the government plan to combat air pollution immediately?
    • A: Immediate actions include the odd-even scheme consideration, construction bans, and intensified water sprinkling efforts.
  3. Q: What are the penalties for violating pollution control norms for industries?
    • Penalties may include fines or other regulatory actions, as per the Delhi Pollution Control Committee.
  4. Q: How can citizens contribute to reducing air pollution in Delhi?
    • Citizens can cooperate with government initiatives, follow traffic restrictions, and avoid activities contributing to pollution.
  5. Q: What is the government’s long-term strategy to reduce air pollution in Delhi?
    • A: The long-term plan involves transitioning to cleaner fuels and promoting public transportation for sustained pollution reduction.
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